About the Town Assessor

Phone Number: 585-682-4358

It is the job of the Assessor to maintain the assessment roll, a document that contains every property’s assessment value and exemption with in the town. The Assessment Roll is public record and available for inspection at the Assessors office during working hours. The current Town assessor is Lisa Ames.

It is up to the individual property owner to monitor their own assessments on a yearly basis. Taxpayers who feel they are not being fairly assessed are encouraged to schedule a meeting with the Assessor prior to the tentative roll being established. In an informal setting, the Assessor can explain how the assessment was determined and correct inventory if need be. It is the property owner’s responsibility to provide documentation if they feel their assessment is unfair.

The Assessor cannot change your tax bill if you feel it is too high or your neighbors tax bill is lower than yours. The Assessor can only fairly assess property and approve appropriate exemptions.

The Month of March and April 2024 the assessor will be available by appointment only. Please call 585-682-4358 Opt. 2 and leave a voicemail to schedule an appointment or email lhewitt@townofcarlton.org.

Important Information

  • March 1st: Taxable Status Date – Deadline for filing exemption applications
  • May 1st: Tentative Assessment Roll is filed
  • 4th Wednesday in May: Grievance Day – Board of Assessment Review meets to hear all filed applications for complaints on assessments
  • July 1st: Final Assessment Roll is filed – The assessed value of each property on the final roll is used for tax purposes for the following year.

The following links are very informative. Taxpayers are encouraged to read this information, which is easy to understand.